In the context of the workshop Thinking weed – interstitial ontologies, conducted by Fabricio Lamoncha and Catarina Reis, I began developing weMother, an installation that sparks a new branch of my ongoing postdoctoral research, with the goal of integrating techno and ecofeminist approches.
Category: miscellaneous

Review at neural magazine
“distinctive book with her rare knowledge of the underlying relationships between the biological, the technical and the theoretical.” I am happy to share that neural magazine published a review of my book Sensing and making sense: Photosensitivity and light-to-sound translations in media art. It is a great honor to receive such a positive review from this acknowledged magazine in the…

Guest lecture at Interface Cultures in Linz, AT
Relational marginalities? Media art and the grounding inequality-conviviality relationships in Latin America 18. January 2022, 12.15pm – 1.15pm ONLINE via MSTeams* Interface Cultures invites to Alumni Guest Lecture by Dr. phil. Graziele Lautenschlaeger Although it may sound reductionist in a complex and globalized world to define a geographic/regional frame to address art production, the contemporary art world (institutions and…

Explorations in Art and Technology
Glad to share this new publication, a contribution to the second edition of the classic book in media art history and theory, Explorations in Art and Technology (2018), jointly edited by Linda Candy, Ernest Edmonds and Fabrizio Poltronieri. I wrote about the conceptual aspects and the creative process of my performance Self-portrait of an absence. Among other emergent Brazilian artists,…

Excessive Research @ Liverpool, UK | Nov, 3-5 2015
It has been an extremely productive and insightful week at Liverpool participating in the PhD workshop Excessive Research, part of transmediale 2016 ‘Conversation Piece‘. Our activities and discussions are documented in the blog of the workshop and my personal contribution is here: A newspaper resulting of the workshop will be published next February at transmediale festival. The workshop was organized by APRJA…

PushPull and 3DMIN
At the end of May/beginning of June 2015 I had the great opportunity to participate in a workshop at UdK (Universität der Künste Berlin) in which I learned how to build a PushPull, the first instrument prototype created by the research group 3DMIN. Thank you Dominik Hildebrand Marques Lopes, Amelie Hinrichsen and Till Bovermann for the awesome experience and for your generosity in…