Next week I am going to present a paper “From light-to-sound: Mediumsprünge and the absence as creative matter” and perform “Self-portrait of an absence” at the 6th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X in Madrid. The paper analyses media devices and artworks based on light-to-sound translations through the articulation of Vilém Flusser’s media theory – namely considering the zero-dimensionality…

Mit dir
Collaborative exhibition @ COJE Berlin | 11.Dec 2017 Mit dir is a reference to the event itself – a symbolic act that celebrates a connection. Like taken from a kitschy pop song we are carried away. With no command we are heading towards the unknown, being hijacked into the diversity of the net from Graziele and Jörg. A net…

DIYBio Now at Art Laboratory Berlin
At the Art Laboratory Berlin, between February 17th and 19th, 2017 there will be the DIYBio Now, a fair for Biology enthusiasts, organized by the Biotinkering Berlin. In the occasion I am going start a new art project, called Plants lasting memories, in collaboration with the italian biologist Alessandro Volpato, who is developing a DIY-Spectrophotogram. Plants lasting memories is a display…

Premiere: Self-portrait of an absence
I am happy to announce that “Self-portrait of an absence” is coming out! Please join us at the opening of the exhibition: Musical Instruments in the 21st Century @Design transfer / UdK Einsteinufer 43-53, 10587 Berlin performance schedule: Thursday | Oct 13th 2016 | 7 – 9 pm Friday | Oct 14th 2016 | 4:30 – 6 pm Saturday |…

II Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia
I would like to share with you my participation in the artwork XOXOXOLOLOLOL, by the artist Thiago Hersan, exhibited at the II Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia, to be held between July, 2nd and October, 28th 2016 at Incubadora de Artistas in Atibaia/SP, Brazil. Hersan’s artistic research presents a critical perspective over social media. The artist developed a series of projects that…
Cinema Apesar da Imagem
Book launch at Da Haus in Apr, 28th 2016. Printed copy available at the publisher’s online shop: Intermeios. My contribution is a chapter titled Entre sensores e sentidos: sobre a materialidade da comunicação na Artemídia. (Between sensors and senses: on the materiality of communication in Media Art). “Cinema apesar da imagem problematiza as telas, justamente as telas, tão presentes e afirmativas de seu formato mais…

Conversation pieces @ Transmediale 2016
transmediale/ conversationpiece 03.-07.02.2016 HKW Audio streaming of the Excessive Research session on Thursday 04.02.2016. The videos below are parts of the conversation with the artist Lyndsay Mann at the Excessive Research session. Thank you Andre K for documenting it. Take a look also at the publication of A PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ABOUT / EXCESSIVE RESEARCH.

Excessive Research @ Liverpool, UK | Nov, 3-5 2015
It has been an extremely productive and insightful week at Liverpool participating in the PhD workshop Excessive Research, part of transmediale 2016 ‘Conversation Piece‘. Our activities and discussions are documented in the blog of the workshop and my personal contribution is here: A newspaper resulting of the workshop will be published next February at transmediale festival. The workshop was organized by APRJA…

PushPull and 3DMIN
At the end of May/beginning of June 2015 I had the great opportunity to participate in a workshop at UdK (Universität der Künste Berlin) in which I learned how to build a PushPull, the first instrument prototype created by the research group 3DMIN. Thank you Dominik Hildebrand Marques Lopes, Amelie Hinrichsen and Till Bovermann for the awesome experience and for your generosity in…

Besides the Screen 2014
At Besides the Screen 2014 (São Paulo and Vitória, Brazil) my participation included a lecture, a workshop and a chapter in the book Cinema apesar da imagem. My text relates the sensing phenomena and the materiality of communication in Media Art. Video documentation of the lecture in Vitória is available online: